“Conspiracy Theorists” Not Welcome on OWS Site

The OWS site has changed its moderation policies so that folks who listen to Alex Jones, David Icke, Lyndon Larouche, and others, as well as political campaign supporters – particularly Ron Paul 2012 supporters.  Anyone who posts anything about anything these guys say is subject to a global network ban now.  Seriously?

I will admit that I watch Alex Jones – not religiously, but I do enjoy him.  Not everything he says is correct, but he does put out good information, and he talks about things that the MSM won’t touch, and I appreciate that.  David Icke is kind of a nutter, frankly, but people have the right to listen to him, if they so desire.  I don’t know all that much about Larouche, although I’ve seen a few videos of his.  Honestly, I don’t really remember what he’s about.  But I do know that some of the so-called “conspiracies,” such as the Federal Reserve destroying the currency, aren’t really conspiracies, but they are true, from a financial standpoint.  Whether or not it’s a conspiracy, well, that’s another story.  The “conspiracy” that there is no real law mandating a personal income tax?  Not a conspiracy – it’s true.

Where am I going with this?  It seems silly to place a ban on information coming from certain sources.  I understand that the organization – and apparently there is some form of organization at the top, even if the street protestors seem helter-skelter – has the right to do whatever it wants with its own website, but in my opinion, they aren’t doing their supporters any favors by excluding certain topics from discussion.  There should be a discussion of the Fed and the role that government plays in the creation of this debt problem.  Injection of different ideas can be a healthy thing.

Also to be considered is that actions like this aren’t going to garner the movement any brownie points with “the other side” – the disaffected conservative element.  And there is a disaffected “conservative” element which includes Republicans, libertarians, and constitutionalists.  It seems foolhardy to actively attempt to splinter away from these people.  It seems foolish to ban certain ideas just because they’re “conservative.”  Not all conservative ideas are inherently “bad,” just as not all liberal ideas are inherently good.  Both sides have good points about some things.

Whatever the case, I think OWS is going to end up alienating people who would potentially like to take part.  They have the right to shut the door on these people, but it isn’t going to help the cause, nationally.  Also, if I’m being honest – or perhaps sounding like a conspiracy theorist – it seems like they’re trying to separate themselves from any conservative element, which is a quick way, frankly, to ensure that the movement never makes it past a certain stage of development.  If a large portion of the country views them as dirty, socialist hippies with no tolerance for any difference of opinion, they’ve already slit their own throats.  Either the movement has already been co-opted, or they’re just foolish.

If you want to take a look at OWS moderating policies, click here.