This is Ridiculous

I just checked my email, and I received an email yesterday from the Ron Paul Campaign.  In the CBS debate Saturday night, Ron Paul was given a whopping 89 seconds of speaking time out of 90 minutes of debate time.  89 seconds.  Michele Bachmann didn’t fare any better.  I am really sick of this blatant blacklisting of Ron Paul by the mass media.  I’m not a big Bachmann fan, but you know, everyone deserves to have an equal say in a debate.

For those of you who don’t know who Ron Paul is – if you found your way here, you probably know who Ron Paul is – I strongly urge you to find out immediately.  Ron Paul is the only candidate who isn’t calling for an attack on Iran.  Ron Paul is the only candidate in favor of bringing our troops home and stopping these endless wars, which are contributing to our bankruptcy.  Ron Paul is the only candidate who is serious about shrinking the federal government to a manageable size.  And most importantly, he is the only candidate who is serious about ending the Federal Reserve.

Please, educate yourselves on Austrian economics.  I, too, thought economics was a dull subject intended only for math wizards and people with too much time on their hands, but Austrian economics is a genuinely rewarding, uplifting field of economic study.  Read Frederic Bastiat.  Read Murray Rothbard.  Read Ayn Rand.  Read Garett Garrett.  Do it now.  You will be so glad that you did.

Most importantly, if you’re a Ron Paul supporter, please donate to his campaign immediately.  I know that times are hard.  I know that most people don’t have a lot of extra money right now.  But if you can spare even five or ten bucks this month, please, invest it in liberty.  We have got to give this man a fighting chance.  We have to make a statement that we want real change, not more of the same, tired old rhetoric of war, endless spending, and lies.  It’s time America learned the truth and got back on track to prosperity and freedom.  But we have to stand up and fight for it.

I don’t mean to get up on a soapbox, but we’ve got to be vigilant.  This may be the most important election in the last century.  Are we really ready for four more years of Obama or – God forbid – Rick Perry or Mitt Romney?